Digital MRV - integrated Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification tool (iMRV Tool)
National Carbon (ITMOS) Registry
Moving Towards the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) With Integrated Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (iMRV) Tool
National GHG Inventory
Mitigation Actions MRV
Adaptation Action MRV
Climate Finance MRV
Key Features of iMRV Tool
First of kind initiative to integrate most of the domestic and international climate action monitoring, tracking, and reporting requirements of developing countries, SIDS, and LDCs.
An initiative to engage and align all Government agencies, Development partners, MDIs, and NGOs towards evidence-based decisions and data insights reporting.
Customizable to adapted country-specific tracking, monitoring, and reporting of data most critical to them.
Fully customizable cloud-based open-source dashboard; customizable reporting table formats, exported to excel and PDF.
Extended to integrate with existing or new Domestic/Regional/International Market based mechanisms (MBMs) and Result Based Framework.
Key Features of National Carbon (ITMOs) Registry
The national carbon registry support in implementation and operationalizing the guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement and in decision 2/CMA.3. It's a national database and the centralized accounting and reporting platform for Article 6, implementation of the cooperative approach and ITMO tracking in Vanuatu including accurate accounting of the issuance, holding, transfer, acquisition, and cancellation of ITMOs (Serialized units).
The national registry includes a national database for issuance and tracking for authorization for ITMOs Projects, including authorization of ITMOs towards use(for NDC and OIMP first transfer), authorization of a cooperative approach and entities. ITMOs Transactions and Records (Electronic Registry for Issuance, Transaction, Cancellations etc.)
Domestic and International Platforms for Carbon Transaction, Integration with Other National/International Carbon Registry and support prefilling Agreed Electronic Format (AEF) or provision of the information necessary for annual reporting as per enhanced transparency framework (ETF) reporting tools.
National Carbon (ITMOs) Registry for Project Registration, Issuance, Transfer and Settlement, and Corresponding Adjustment
ITMOs Project Implementation
ITMOs Project Proposal Submission
ITMOs Project Letter of Approval (LOA)
ITMOs Issuances
ITMOs Transactions
National Carbon Mitigation Project Database
National Consolidated GHG Inventory Report
National Ledger for GHG Accounting, Corresponding Adjustment & Avoidance of Double Counting
Carbon Neutrality and Offsetting
Country Experiences on Digital MRV (iMRV Tool) & National Carbon (ITMOs) Registry
Kenya’s iMRV Tool
South Sudan's iMRV Tool
Gambia's iMRV Tool
Uganda's iMRV Tool
Vanuatu's iMRV Tool
National ITMOs Registry Vanuatu
ITMOs Registry Dashboard
ITMOs Project Tracking