Neo Climate Solutions 

Climate Change, Carbon Market, Environmental and Energy Advisory Services 

Core Competencies

Neo Climate provides high-quality climate change and energy advisory services including activities related to policy development, project identification studies, program management, training and capacity building, technology transfer, and market research and analysis. Neo Climate works with a team of professionals including specialists from the field of energy and climate change; rural development specialists and economic experts, offering a wide range of expertise and experience covering the entire of renewable energy; low carbon technologies, and climate change mitigation. Neo Climate also supports the development and implementation of several climate change mitigation projects in the Pacific region including sustainable energy technologies; including wind; hydro, biomass, Solar PV, and methane capture and utilization.

Climate Change Advisory

Digital MRV: Integrated Monitoring Reporting and Verification (iMRV) Tool

Integrated MRV Tool helps to facilitate the operationalization of specific provisions in countries' Climate Change Act, National Climate Change Action Plan, and MRV provisions under the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement. Neo Climate supports the design and development of an effective, implementable, and robust National MRV system in the form of an Integrated MRV Tool for all the GHG sectors and NDC climate change actions (Mitigation and Adaptation) in Africa and Pacific Island Countries. This includes training and capacity building of the stakeholders to make the usage of tools more efficient within the country’s existing monitoring, reporting, and verification practices.

Key activities –

National GHG Inventory and GHG Accounting

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals estimation is a crucial element to achieving the objective of stabilizing the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere that would avoid dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Neo Climate provides support to governments of Pacific Island Countries in developing high-quality GHG inventory including activities related to training and capacity building of the stakeholders from different line ministries and sectors for preparation of National GHG inventory as per IPCC guidelines for reporting as National Inventory Report (NIR) under the National Communications and BURs/BTRs to UNFCCC.

Key activities –

GHG Mitigation Projects

One of the most significant responses to climate change is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which plays a central role in the implementation of Carbon and Climate commitments. Neo Climate has proficiency in the deployment of GHG mitigation projects across all major and emerging technologies, such as Solar (PV and thermal), and wind including experience in implementing both grid-connected and off-grid projects. Our expertise is not only restricted to these but also extends to biomass, bio-gas, small-hydro, waste-to-energy, geothermal, and biofuels. We help our clients around the world to grow their businesses more sustainably, save money, make a positive contribution to the sustainable development of society and make the planet a better place.

 Key Services –

Energy and Renewables

Energy Cost Reduction (Energy Audit)

Energy sector is responsible for contributing to almost three-quarters of global emissions. Governments, businesses, and industries across the world are taking bold actions toward tackling the challenge of global climate change and air pollution by becoming more energy efficient. NCS delivers top-notch energy audit services, which help industries and organizations in their endeavors to achieve energy efficiency and reduced consumption across different sectors. Our activities involve conducting an inventory and measuring energy use, analyzing energy bills, bench-marking, analyzing energy use patterns, identification of potential for savings from cost centers, conducting cost-benefit analysis, preparing energy audit reports, and undertaking post-audit activities to provide a framework for continued improvement in energy use.

Key Benefits –

Water Audit

Growing population, rapid urbanization, and growth in economies have caused per capita availability of water to diminish at an alarming pace. Along with it industrial water consumption and unabated discharge are further aggravating the risk of global water crises. To combat this problem together and make sustainable use of this precious natural resource, it is essential to have an effective water audit in place. NCS delivers high-quality water audit services that can help to achieve greater water efficiency solutions; reduce the production cost; cost savings for meeting internal policies; comply with legal obligations demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and increase market competitiveness.

Key Activities –

Carbon Markets (Voluntary and Compliance)

Reducing emissions and decarbonizing economies is the need of the hour, the technology required to do so is not always available and viable. Offsetting carbon emissions is one instrumental way of achieving this objective. Carbon offsetting broadly refers to the reduction in GHG emissions – or an increase in carbon storage (e.g., through the restoration of land or the planting of trees) – that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere. NCS helps companies and individuals become environmentally responsible/proactive by buying the carbon offsets generated from certified activities/projects that mitigate emissions, enhance community development, restore forests, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Key Activities –

ESG Services:

At Neo Climate Solutions, we are dedicated to assisting businesses in embracing sustainability and advocating for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. We provide comprehensive Sustainability and ESG Reporting services that empower companies to effectively measure, track, and communicate their sustainability performance.

Our team of experienced professionals recognizes the significance of transparent reporting in today's business landscape. Leveraging our in-depth knowledge of sustainability principles, we aid businesses in identifying key environmental and social impacts, assessing risks, and implementing strategies to drive positive change.

Our Sustainability and ESG services include the following:

●      Advisory

●      Reporting

●      Assurance (AA1000AS)

Food Safety Advisory Services (FSMS ISO 22000) 

We provide advisory and consultancy on comprehensive food safety policies for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), development of incident management; to achieve compliance. Food Safety certification readiness, gap assessments, FSSAI & FSMS (ISO 22000) certification. Food Safety Policy and Procedure Development to create and develop food safety policies and procedures which include the program documents, policies, procedures, training materials, forms, plans, and more for consistent application and assessment against applicable standards. Packaging and Labeling consultancy, Internal Training on Food safety management system (ISO 22000 & FSSAI), Hygiene Rating, GMP, GHP, Schedule 4 Requirement of FSSAI and hands-on training on Food Storage System, Food Handling and preparation, Food Loss & Food Waste Management, Food Allergens, Cleaning, sanitizing and pest control, Personal Hygiene, Packaging and Labeling, Corrective Actions on Non-conformity, Product Information & Consumer. We have collaborated with regulator-approved Third-party auditors, allowing a comprehensive third-party audit of your system.

Our key Activities: